About 'Linux Kernel'


Designing BSD Rootkits - An Introduction to Kernel Hacking

2007 by Joseph Kong

Publisher: No Starch Press


"A rootkit is a set of code that allows someone to control
certain aspects of the host operating system without revealing his or her
presence. Fundamentally, that’s what makes a rootkit—evasion of end user knowledge.
Put more simply, a rootkit is a “kit” that allows a user to maintain “root”


The Linux® Kernel Primer A Top-Down Approach for x86 and PowerPC Architectures

2005 by Claudia Salzberg Rodriguez, Gordon Fischer, Steven Smolski

Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR


"The authors' unique top-down approach makes kernel programming easier to understand by systematically tracing functionality from user space into the kernel and carefully associating kernel internals with user-level programming fundamentals."


Linux Kernel Architecture

2008 by Wolfgang Mauerer

Publisher: Wiley


"This book acts as a guide and companion that takes you through the kernel sources and sharpens your
awareness of the beauty, elegance, and — last but not least — esthetics of their concepts."




Linux for dummies 9th edition

2009 by Richard Blum & Dee-Ann LeBlanc

Publisher: Wiley


✓ Understanding where Linux comes from and what it can do for you
✓ Installing the Linux operating system
✓ Working with a Linux system to manage files and add software
✓ Setting up Internet access and surfing the Web
✓ Customizing your Linux desktop
✓ Managing Linux system security and resources"



마지막 리눅스 더미는 리눅스를 한번이라도 사용해본 유져에겐 말그대로 더미..

2009년 출간이라 그냥 써봤다;;


개인적으로는 세번째 커널아키텍쳐가 제일 맘에든다.

1은 재미로 2는 참고용으로 보길바라며, 자세한건 GNU 커널사이트에서 관련문서를 훑어보길 권장한다.







The Linux Kernel API
"  This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."